Amplifier Back Panel
1. Audio Source Inputs: The Essentia amplifier accepts up to six audio sources. A source consists of any
audio component capable of supplying a line level signal.
2 Source Link: This multi-pin connection is used to transfer the audio information from the
Essentia main amplifier to the expander amplifier. This output is used along with
the Digital Link (11) to expand the system to twelve zones. The source link connec-
tion cable is provided with the Essentia D Expander package.
3. Variable Lineout: The variable lineout is intended for zones where additional amplification is needed
and the Essentia keypad is used to control the volume of all the speakers in that
4. Fixed Line Out: The fixed lineout is intended for zones where additional amplification and separate
volume control are needed.
5. Speaker Outputs: Individual stereo speaker outputs for each zone provide 20 watts output per chan-
6. Zone Triggers: These outputs provide a 12-volt output when the corresponding zone is turned on.
This is used to trigger external equipment specific to a given zone.
7. Emitter Outputs: These outputs transfer IR (infra red) signals, repeated from a zone keypad, from the
Essentia amplifier to the audio source equipment. There are six source specific out-
puts and two "sum" output that sends IR signals regardless of the selected source.
8. System On: This output provides a constant 12-volt output when any zone is turned on. This is
used to trigger external devices.
9. External Mute: This is designed to mute any audio playing through the system when the phone or
doorbell rings.
10. Network Input: This RJ-45 connection is the input for all zone information coming from the
Essentia keypads. The connection is made using the Network Cable supplied with
the package.
11. Digital Link: This multi-pin connection transfers all the digital information from the main ampli-
fier to the expander amplifier. This output is used along with the Source Link (2) to
expand the system from six to twelve zones. The Digital Link connection cable is
provided with the Essentia D Expander package.
12. RS232 Port: The RS232 serial port allows two-way communication for control by a home automa-
tion system.
13. AC: A detachable power cord connects the system to an external AC power supply.