
44 Liberty Identity Provider for Novell eDirectory
Novell Confidential 07appc.fm last saved 4/14/03 Manual Version: 3/17/03103
Installation: Successful.
3. Novell_iManager_1.5.1_InstallLog: This log file, located by default at C:\Program
documents every instruction performed by the iManager installation, the various Windows registry
changes, and the setting up of the Tomcat webapps environment for iManager. The start of the file
includes a counter of errors and warnings. Ideally, you should see all successes, as shown in the
previous log file above. If there are any errors, you should scan the file for the specific errors
reported and take appropriate action (for example, if you did not have enough disk space to copy
over class files, you would need to free the required space and try installing again).
4. Novell_Liberty_Identity_Provider_for_Novell_eDirectory_InstallLog.txt: This file,
located by default at C:\Program
nstallLog.txt, documents every instruction performed by the Liberty installation, including the
various Windows registry changes, and the files and directories installed. As with the other log
files described, the start of the file includes a counter of errors and warnings. Ideally, you want to
see all successes. If there are any errors, you should scan the file for the specific errors reported
and take appropriate action (for example, if you did not have enough disk space to copy over class
files, you would need to free the required space and try installing again).
Troubleshooting Post-Installation Issues
Liberty also includes a number of other log files created during Web application initialization.
These files can also be used to figure out whether your issue is an Apache, Tomcat, iManager or
Liberty problem, which can help you to pinpoint the source of your problem.
You can also enable Advanced Logging as part of your troubleshooting process. For details on how
to do this, see “Enabling Advanced Logging” on page 46.
Reviewing Log Files Created After Installation
The following three files are created after the Liberty IDP installation has completed:
1. logs: These files are located by default at C:\Program Files\Novell\Tomcat\logs\*. as you run
the Web applications, you might trigger errors that throw exceptions in Tomcat. Typically,
information about these types of errors is displayed in your Web browser window as you view your
Web applications. For example, you might view an error similar to the following:
Error: 500
Internal Servlet Error:
org.apache.jasper.compiler.CompileExceptions: <and so on>
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspParseEventListener.handleDirective <and so