1 Introduction
MiLLennium GPSCard and Enclosures Guide to Installation & Operation 9
The MiLLennium GPSCard (see Figure 1) consists of a single stand-alone printed circuit board with integrated radio-
frequency (RF) and digital sections. It is a high-performance GPS receiver capable of receiving and tracking the L1 C/A-
code, L1 and L2 carrier phase, and L2 P-code (or encrypted Y-code) of up to 12 GPS satellites. An active GPSAntenna
is required to function. A dual-frequency antenna is needed for dual-frequency operation, which is possible with some
MiLLennium models. The MiLLennium can be used for both single-point and differential applications.
Figure 1 MiLLennium GPSCard
MiLLennium models with dual-frequency capabilities make the following possible:
longer baselines in differential positioning mode, due to the reduction of atmospheric errors
faster resolution of carrier-phase ambiguities when performing RTK positioning
enhanced positioning precision due to the additional measurements
Patented Narrow Correlator tracking technology circuits combined with a high-performance 32-bit CPU make possible
multipath-resistant processing at high data update rates. Excellent acquisition and re-acquisition times allow this receiver
to operate in environments where very high dynamics and frequent interruption of signals can be expected.
The MiLLennium is fabricated in a "Eurocard" printed circuit board format, utilizing surface-mount manufacturing
technology. After integration with a user-supplied 5V DC power source, a mounting structure, an external antenna, and
I/O data communications equipment, the MiLLennium is ready for the most demanding surveying, positioning, or
navigation applications. It is engineered to provide years of reliable operation.
The MiLLennium offers the OEM developer unparalleled flexibility in areas such as configuration and in the
specification of output data and control signals. The available selection of OEM models is based on a common building
block, allowing you to fit the receivers more exactly to the application while maintaining the option for a compatible
upgrade path.
The following accessories are available from NovAtel Inc. They are designed to make system integration a faster, less
expensive and more reliable task:
• Single or dual-frequency GPSAntenna models (survey, aviation, or DGPS reference station with choke-ring ground
• Coaxial and power cables
• PowerPak II (enclosure, power supply and I/O connectors)