
Using Q1 menus
DN01145897 © Nokia Corporation 109 (128)
Issue 2-0 en Nokia Proprietary and Confidential
- CTS use (6,4, port #,3,3,1)
The suboptions of the menu allow you to:
display the current use of the circuits
set the CTS (106) circuit ON
make the CTS circuit follow the RTS (105) circuit with a 8-
bit delay in transition from the OFF state to the ON state
make the CTS circuit follow the RTS circuit with a 255-bit
delay in transition from the OFF state to the ON state
set the RTS circuit to control the DCD (109) circuit at the
remote end (Simulated carrier).
- DCD use (6,4, port #,3,3,2)
The suboptions of the menu allow you to:
display the use of the DCD circuit
set the DCD circuit to follow the synchronisation of the line
(frame sync on > DCD on)
set the DCD circuit to follow the simulated carrier signal
- DSR & DTR use (6,4, port #,3,3,3)
The suboptions of the menu allow you to:
display the current use of the DSR (107) and DTR (108)
set the DSR circuit to follow the state of the DTR circuit
set the DSR circuit to ON state, the DTR circuit not being in
- CT140 use (6,4, port #,3,3,4)
The suboptions of the menu allow you to:
display the current use of circuit 140
enable or disable circuit 140 to control the remote loop to line.
- CT141 use (6,4, port #,3,3,5)
The suboptions of this menu allow you to:
display the current use of circuit 141
enable or disable circuit 141 to control the local loop.
G.704/2M-type interface settings (6,4, port #,3)
Framing format (6,4, port #,3,1)
The use of the G.704 framing can be selected or its use can be prevented
using this menu (see Figure 65). The selections are:
- No frame
- Basic frame
- CRC multiframe