Nokia Lumia 2520: Entertainment
Chapter 7
View or browse categories
Swipe left or right to browse through the categories, and tap a category
title to see more items in the category.
Tap an item to view its details.
Search Store
Tap the search eld at the top right of the screen, write your search
words, and tap .
Download an app, game, or other item
Download free apps, games, or other stu, or buy more content for
your tablet.
1. Tap Store.
2. Tap an item to view its details.
3. If the item has a price, tap Buy. If the item is free, tap Install.
The availability of payment methods depends on your country of
residence and your network service provider.
4. If you’re not signed in to your Microsoft account, sign in now.
5. Follow the instructions shown on your tablet.
When the download is complete, you can open or view the item, or
continue browsing for more content. The content type determines
where the item is stored on your tablet.
For more info on an item, contact the publisher of the item.
Use a Wi-Fi connection to download large les.
View your download queue
While an item is downloading, you can continue to browse Windows
Store for other content and add items to your download queue.
1. Tap Store.
2. To view your download queue, tap the installation notication at the
top right of the screen.
The notication shows the number of items being downloaded.
One item is downloaded at a time, and pending items wait in your
download queue.
If you need to, for example, temporarily close your Internet
connection, tap the downloading item and Pause download.
To resume downloading, tap Resume download. Pause
pending items individually. If a download fails, you can re-
download the item.
Write a review for an app
Do you want to share your opinion on an app with other Windows Store
users? Rate and review the app. You can post one review for each app
you’ve downloaded.
1. Start the app you want to review.
2. Swipe in from the right of the screen, and tap Settings > Rate
and review.
3. Rate the app, and write your review, then tap Submit.
Besides apps, you can rate and review your other downloaded
items in the same way.