
Figure 2 shows how this would work for a square area of 35 feet by 28 feet
and using stereo signals. Using our spacing rules as shown in Table 1, leads
to the need for four speakers. The loudspeaker coverage pattern is shown
in the diagram.
Figure 3 shows the same area as Figure 2, however the number of speakers has
increased by 2. You can see a greater area of stereo coverage and this would also
have a more even sound level across the listening area. This illustrates the fact that
not using the maximum spacing allowed leads to improved sound quality.
Figure 2 Two-speaker Stereo Coverage – with 4 speakers
Figure 3 Speaker Stereo Coverage – with 6 speakers
Table 1 Summary of spacing rules
Mode Sources Spacing from Sides Spacing Between Spacing
Speakers within a row Between Rows
Single Speaker Stereo 11 ft 22 ft 38 ft
Stereo 3.4m 6.7m 11.6m
Two Speaker Stereo 11 ft 18 ft 28 ft
Stereo 3.4m 5.5m 8.5m
Note: These are maximun recomended distances, sound quality improves if you use smaller spaces