
Thank you for purchasing a Niles iPOWER
Intelligent Power Management
System. Niles iPOWER
products are the result of years of research and devel-
opment and are the most advanced and complete power management devices
available. With iPOWER
in your system, you have complete confidence know-
ing that your audio/video components have a clean power supply free of noise
and distortion. The result—your home entertainment system will perform as is
designers intended, while being fully protected from electrical noise and poten-
tially damaging spikes and surges.
In addition to power protection and performance enhancement, the iPOWER
AC-8CX offers triggering options which allow for control of your system’s start-up
and shut-down procedures. With a little planning, your AC-8CX can put control of
your home entertainment system at your fingertips.
Niles manufactures the industry's most complete line of custom installation com-
ponents and accessories for audio/video systems. For a free full-line catalog write:
Niles, Catalog Request, P.O. Box 160818, Miami, Florida 33116-0818 or visit our
web site at www.nilesaudio.com