About the SB-700 and This User’s Manual
Default settings: function and mode settings at the time of purchase
Nikon Creative Lighting System (CLS): a lighting system that enables various
fl ash photography functions with improved communication between Nikon
Speedlights and cameras
Illumination patterns: control types of light falloff at edges; the SB-700 provides
three illumination patterns, standard, center-weighted and even.
FX format/DX format: Nikon digital SLR camera image area types (FX format:
36 × 24, DX format: 24 × 16)
Guide number (GN): the amount of light generated by a fl ash unit; GN = fl ash-
to-subject distance (m or ft.) × f-number of aperture (ISO 100)
Zoom head position: position of a Speedlight zoom head; the angle of coverage
changes as the zoom head position changes.
Effective fl ash output distance: fl ash-to-subject distance with correctly
adjusted fl ash output
Effective fl ash output distance range: range of effective fl ash output distance
Flash compensation: intentional fl ash output change to obtain the desired
subject brightness