Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks
View the contact list
• On the Home screen, select Contacts.
The following table describes abbreviations that might be displayed to the right of a
contact name in the contact list.
Note: Although Walkie-Talkie numbers and Talkgroup numbers both use the PTT
abbreviation, the # sign always appears before a Talkgroup to distinguish the 2
types of numbers.
Find a contact
1 On the Home screen, select Start.
2 Select Contacts.
3 Begin entering the name of the contact to find until the name is displayed. For
example, to find “Sandra,” enter 7, 2, 6, 3, 7, 2 because these numbers
correspond to the letters for that name.
Filter the contact list
1 On the Home screen, select Start.
2 Select Contacts.
3 Select Menu and then Filter.
4 Select a category to filter, such as Business, Miscellaneous, or Personal.
The contacts assigned to the category you selected are displayed in the list.
Contact list
w Work phone
w2 Second work phone
h Home phone
h2 Second home phone
m Mobile phone
pgr Pager
car Car phone
PTT Walkie-Talkie number or Talkgroup number
txt Text message number
e E-mail address
e2 Second e-mail address
e3 Third e-mail address
web Web page
wfx Work fax (appears only when contact is open)
hfx Home fax (appears only when contact is open)
ast Assistant’s phone (appears only when contact is open)