8-18 User’s Reference Guide
8. For a switched connection only, select Telco Options and press return. the Telco Options screen appears.
Note: For IDSL routers, which do not initiate dial-up connections, this option does not appear.
Select Dial and press Return. A pop-up menu appears. You can select the dialing options for this
Connection Profile as Dial In Only, Dial Out Only, or Dial In/Out.
You can:
■ add the number to dial for this Connection Profile
■ add an alternate number
■ change any of the default parameter settings
When you are finished with these entries, press Escape to return to the Add Connection Profile screen.
9. Select ADD PROFILE NOW and press Return. Your new Connection Profile will be added.
Telco Options
Dial... Dial In/Out
Number to Dial:
Alternate Site to Dial:
Dial on Demand: Yes
Idle Timeout (seconds): 300
Callback: No
In this Screen you configure options for the ways you will establish a link.