Managing Voice and Data Calls 9-7
Call acceptance scenarios
The following are a few common call acceptance scenarios and information on how to configure the Netopia
R2121 for those purposes.
■ To accept all calls, regardless of whether they match a connection profile:
■ Toggle Must Match a Defined Profile to No.
■ To only accept calls that match a connection profile through use of a name and password (or secret):
■ Toggle Must Match a Defined Profile to Yes,
■ Set Authentication to PAP or CHAP.
Note: The authentication method you choose determines which connection profiles are accessible to
callers. For example, if you choose PAP, callers using CHAP or no authentication will be dropped by the
answer profile.
■ To allow calls that
match a connection profile’s remote IP and/or IPX address:
■ Toggle Must Match a Defined Profile to Yes,
■ set Authentication to None.
■ To not allow
incoming calls to connect to the Netopia Router:
■ Toggle Must Match a Defined Profile to Yes,
■ Set the Dial option in the Telco Options screen of every connection profile to Dial Out Only
4. If you select Bandwidth Allocation, you can select a value from a pop-up window. Supported options are
Off, Auto, MP+, or BAP. The Bandwidth Allocation setting will apply to all answered calls.
Note: The Bandwidth Allocation default is BAP. You should only choose one of the other options if you are
specifically advised to do so by your ISP or administrator.
Scheduled connections
You can set a Netopia Router to make scheduled connections using designated connection profiles. This is
useful for creating and controlling regularly scheduled periods when the router can be used by hosts on your
network. It is also useful for once-only connections that you want to schedule in advance.
To go to the Scheduled Connections screen, select Scheduled Connections in the WAN Configuration screen.