12-16 User’s Reference Guide
1. To make the filter active in the filter set, select Enabled and toggle it to Yes. If Enabled is toggled to No, the
filter can still exist in the filter set, but it will have no effect.
2. If you want the filter to forward packets that match its criteria to the destination IP address, select Forward
and toggle it to Yes. If Forward is toggled to No, packets matching the filter’s criteria will be discarded.
3. Select Source IP Address and enter the source IP address this filter will match on. You can enter a subnet
or a host address.
4. Select Source IP Address Mask and enter a mask for the source IP address. This allows you to further
modify the way the filter will match on the source address. Enter to force the filter to match on all
source IP addresses, or enter to match the source IP address exclusively.
5. Select Dest. IP Address and enter the destination IP address this filter will match on. You can enter a
subnet or a host address.
6. Select Dest. IP Address Mask and enter a mask for the destination IP address. This allows you to further
modify the way the filter will match on the destination address. Enter to force the filter to match on
all destination IP addresses.
7. Select Protocol Type and enter ICMP, TCP, UDP, Any, or the number of another IP transport protocol (see
the table on page 12-10).
Note: If you enter ICMP or 1, the ICMP Type Compare and ICMP Code Compare fields display. See steps
8., 10., 9., and 11. below.
If you enter TCP or UDP, the Source Port Compare, Source Port ID, and Dest. Port Compare fields display.
See steps 12. and 13. below.
8. If the Protocol Type is ICMP, select ICMP Type Compare and choose one of the following options from the
pop-up menu: No Compare, Not Equal To, Less Than, Less Than or Equal, Equal, Greater Than or Equal, or
Greater Than.
9. Every ICMP packet has an 8-bit integer field, Type, that identifies what kind of ICMP packet (of 13 possible
packet types) it is. Select ICMP Types and select the packet type. The choices are:
Add Input Filter
Enabled: Yes
Forward: No
Source IP Address:
Source IP Address Mask:
Dest. IP Address:
Dest. IP Address Mask:
Protocol Type: ICMP
ICMP Type Compare... Equal
ICMP Type: 0
ICMP Code Compare... No Compare
ICMP Code: 0
Enter a type: 'ICMP', 'UDP', 'TCP', 'Any', or a number between 0 and 255.