
SmartVoice Gateway(s) User Guide 77
YML832 Rev1
IVR Functions Table
Function Code Description Example
111/101 WAN Port IP address Set/Query Use in conjunction with function code 114, select
1 for a Static IP function.
112/102 WAN Port Subnet Mask Set/Query
113/103 WAN Port Default Gateway Set/Query
114/104 Current Network IP Access Set/Query (1:
Static IP, 2.DHCP, 3.PPPoE)
115/105 DNS IP address Set/Query
116/106 Phone book manager IP address Set/Query Must use 116/106, 117/107 in conjunction with
each other.
117/107 Set/Query whether or not to use Public
Telephone Book (0: Disable 1:Enable)
199/099 Set/Query whether or not this Gateway acts
as the phone book manager (0: Disable 1:
066 Query the connection to Phone book manager
118 Restart
121 Setting PPPoE Account Use in conjunction with function code 114, select
3 for a PPPoE function
122 Setting PPPoE Password
123 Setting NAT router public IP address Must use 123 and 124 in conjunction with each
124 Uses NAT router port forwarding (0: Disable
1: Enable)
151/141 Register to Proxy Server Set/Query (0: Disable
1: Enable)
152/142 Proxy Server IP address Set/Query
153/143 Proxy Server Port Set/Query
125 Set Proxy Server account
126 Set Proxy Server password
154/144 Uses STUN Set/Query (0: Disable 1: Enable)
155/145 STUN IP address Set/Query
156/146 STUN Port Set/Query
311/301 LAN Port IP address Set/Query
312/302 LAN Port Subnet Mask Set/Query
131/132 Play/Record greeting message
133 Saving greeting message
211/201 Set/Query International Prefix code Prefix dialed before making an international call
e.g. 0011.
212/202 Set/Query Country Code Setting country code, e.g. 61
213/203 Set/Query Area Prefix Code (Long-Distance
Prefix Code)
Prefix dialed before making a long-distance call
e.g. 0.
214/204 Set/Query Area Code eg. “02” for NSW.