
NP2624M User Guide 45
YML827 Rev1
Agent Control Port: The control port defines the specific TCP/UDP port
the single IP switch is listening, which the agent
manager sends its command to. Agent manager use
this specific port to tell the single IP switch to change
the current forwarding target host. The range of
available port number is 28000 ~ 30000. Ignore the
default settings of the “Agent Control Port” unless
the user has a special need for this protocol port, such
as virtual server. The default port number is 28019.
Add/Edit/Delete : To add a member, enter the IP and name in “IP
address” and “Host Name”, then press “Add/Edit”.
The new member will be listed on the left. To edit
a member’s host name, select the member in the list
and the IP and name will be shown on the right. Edit
the name and then press “Add/Edit” to update the list.
To remove a member, just select the member and
press “Delete”
Launch Manager : This button launches the Stacking manager. Agent Manager
A floating menu be displayed after clicking “Launch Agent Manager” in the agent management
The agent manager holds 32+1 slots in the floating menu. The top slot (zero slot) displays the
master switch IP and its relative location. “Remote Agent” means that the user comes from another
IP domain than the managed ones, while “Local Agent” means that the user comes from the same
IP domain as the managed ones.