www.netcomm.com.au Rev. 1- YML672
Page 12 NB1300_2 ADSL Modem
Basic Ethernet
Basic ADSL Modem - Ethernet Configuration
Use this configuration if you:
■ Have been told to use the “ADSL Modem” Easy Config Profile, or
■ Want to connect this device to another router, or
■ Want to use your ISP’s software to log on to the Internet directly (not sharing) and your
computer will use a Public IP address, and
■ DO NOT need the NB1300 to share your Internet service ( You can still use windows ICS
to share your Internet Service), and
■ Do not require your computer to be protected (via NAT) from the Internet, e.g you may be
running Personal firewall software or a Secondary router.
Example 1
Example 2
ADSL modem (Transparent Bridge) to be connected to a router - This is when you plug the
modem directly into the Ethernet port of just one computer (as shown in Example 1 above) or
another router via a cross over Ethernet cable (as shown in Example 2 above) you then must run
Internet connection software (often supplied by your ISP) on the computer or second router to
establish a connection to the Internet. This method means that the computer or router connected
to the Ethernet port of the NB1300 is exposed to the Internet and is given a public IP address.