YML894 Rev3 N3G005W 3G Wireless Router User GuideN3G005W 3G Wireless Router User Guide
www.netcomm.com.au 19
Web Configuration Wizard
Having physically connected your N3G005W, the next
step is to establish the broadband connection to the
internet. Please follow the steps below to configure your
N3G005W router via the web configuration wizard utility.
1. Open your web browser (e.g. Internet
Explorer/Firefox/Safari) and navigate to
2. At the login screen, type in “admin” (without
quotes) in the System Password field. Then
click on Login.
Notes: admin is the default login password for the unit.
3. Click on Wizard and then on Enter.
4. This page shows you the steps needed to
configure your N3G005W unit. Click Next to
5. Select the type of WAN connection that you
want to use and click on Next.
Notes: To use a USB Modem, please choose “3G Modem”. For
connection to an existing modem/router choose “WAN
Ethernet port”, please refer to the user guide for more details.
6. After choosing 3G, you need to enter the
information below, this will have been provided
to you by your 3G broadband service provider.
Click Next once you finished.
Note: This example shows Bigpond Next G connection settings.
Note that you do not have to change the LAN IP address.