NetComm NCT240 Management Guide Release 1.0
Syntax: alarmprofile <show| set| delete| map>
¾ show – display alarm profiles and their settings
¾ set – configure an alarm profile
¾ delete – remove an alarm profile
¾ map – map specified ADSL ports to an alarm profile
Command usage:
Display,create,modify,delete,or copy an ADSL line alarmprofile
alarmprofile <list| show| set| delete| map>
list List all alarm profiles.
show Display alarm profiles and their settings.
set Configure an alarm profile.
delete Remove an alarm profile.
map Map specified ADSL ports to an alarm profile.
showmap Showmap Display alarm profile to ADSL mapping
showport Showport Display which alarm profile parameters set
vcprofile command
Syntax: pvc <list|show| set| delete>
¾ list – lists set PVCs
¾ show –display PVC settings
¾ set –create or modify a PVC setting
¾ delete –remove a PVC setting