LA000605D © 2007 Navman New Zealand. All rights reserved. Proprietary information and specications subject to change without notice.
2.1 Electrical connections (SMT pad interface)
The round hole on the front label side of the chip locates pad A1. The pads are designated
A-F and 1-7. Details of the pad layout and numbering are shown in Figure 2-1.
Pad No Pad Names Type Description
A1 RF_IN I RF Input 50 ohm
A2 GND P RF signal ground return
A3 GND P ground
A4 VANT P active antenna power input
A5 GPIO15 I/O reserved
A6 GPIO14 I/O reserved
A7 RF_ON O output to indicate whether the RF section is
enabled (active high)
B1 GND P RF signal ground return
B3 VDD_BB P baseband power supply input for external
regulator build option - DO NOT CONNECT
B4 GPIO4 I/O reserved
B5 GPIO13 I/O reserved
B6 VDD_RTC P RTC power supply input for external regulator
build option - DO NOT CONNECT
B7 GPIO1 I/O reserved
C1 GND P ground
C2 TCXO_IN I TCXO input for external TCXO build option
C4 BOOT I active high to download ash rmware
C5 LNA _EN O external antenna enable, active high
D4 N_GPS_FIX O active low when 2D or 3D x data
D5 RXA I CMOS level asynchronous input for UART A
D7 TXA O CMOS level asynchronous output for UART A
E1 GND P ground
E2 GND P ground
E4 GPIO2 I/O reserved
E5 N_RESET I master reset, active low
E6 RXB I CMOS level asynchronous input for UART B
E7 1PPS O 1 pulse per second output 1µs wide
F1 PWRIN P 3.0 - 3.6 V main power supply input
F2 VBATT P 1.9 - 3.6 V backup battery input
F3 VCC_RF P RF power supply output for external regulator
option. Connect as per application circuit.
- Figure 2-2
F4 WAKEUP I Push-to-Fix wake-up, active high
F5 N_WAKEUP O low output indicates baseband is powered up
F6 TXB O CMOS level asynchronous output for UART B
F7 ECLK I external clock input, not used
Table 2-1: Jupiter 32 Module pad functions