
NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows I-6 www.natinst.com
ibonl function
placing device offline, 3-9, 3-12
using in Interactive Control utility
(example), 6-3 to 6-4
ibppc function, 7-17 to 7-18
ibrd function
reading response from device, 3-9
using in Interactive Control utility
(example), 6-3
ibrpp function, 7-18
ibrsp function
automatic serial polling, 7-13
SRQ and serial polling, 7-14
ibsta. See status word (ibsta).
ibwait function
Talker/Listener applications, 7-11
terminating stuck SRQ state, 7-13
waiting for GPIB conditions, 7-4
ibwrt function
sending *IDN? query to device, 3-9
using in Interactive Control utility
(example), 6-3
IFC (interface clear) line, A-3
instruments. See communicating with
instruments; GPIB instruments.
Interactive Control utility
auxiliary functions (table), 6-9 to 6-10
communicating with instruments,
3-2 to 3-3
count, 6-11
error information, 6-10 to 6-11
getting started, 6-1 to 6-4
NI-488 function examples, 6-2 to 6-4
overview, 6-1
programming considerations, 3-2 to 3-3
status word, 6-10
syntax, 6-4 to 6-10
addresses, 6-5
board-level traditional NI-488.2 calls
(table), 6-7to6-8
device-level traditional NI-488.2
calls (table), 6-5 to 6-6
multi-device NI-488.2 calls (table),
numbers, 6-4
strings, 6-4 to 6-5
interface management lines, A-3
autopolling and interrupts, 7-14
enabling in Windows 98/95, D-4 to D-5
LACS status word condition
bit position, hex value, and type
(table), 3-6
description, B-5
Talker/Listener applications, 7-12
language interfaces, 3-3
listen address, A-2
Listeners, A-1. See also Talker/Listener
LOK status word condition
bit position, hex value, and type
(table), 3-6
description, B-3
manual. See documentation.
Measurement & Automation Explorer,
accessing additional help and resources,
2-14 to 2-15
National Instruments GPIB Web
site, 2-15
NI-488.2 online help, 2-14 to 2-15
adding new GPIB interface, 2-4 to 2-5