
© National Instruments Corporation G-3 NI 6115/6120 User Manual
CalDAC calibration DAC
cm centimeter
CMOS complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
CMRR common-mode rejection ratio—a measure of an instrument to reject
interference from a common-mode signal, usually expressed in
decibels (dB)
CompactPCI a Eurocard configuration of the PCI bus for industrial applications
CONVERT* convert signal
correlated DIO can clock digital I/O on the same clock as analog I/O
counter/timer a circuit that counts external pulses or clock pulses (timing)
CTR counter
D/A digital-to-analog
DAC digital-to-analog converter—an electronic device that converts a digital
number into a corresponding analog voltage or current
DAC0OUT analog channel 0 output signal
DAC1OUT analog channel 1 output signal
DAQ data acquisition—(1) collecting and measuring electrical signals from
sensors, transducers, and test probes or fixtures and inputting them to a
computer for processing; (2) collecting and measuring the same kinds of
electrical signals with A/D and/or DIO devices plugged into a computer,
and possibly generating control signals with D/A and/or DIO devices in
the same computer