NI PXI-5600 Calibration Procedure 16 ni.com
Adjusting the Temperature Correction Coefficient
Note Before you begin this adjustment procedure, you must ensure that the temperature
of the NI PXI-5600 is below 30 °C and that the temperature does not reach 30 °C before
step 6.
To adjust the temperature correction coefficient, write a program that
includes the following steps:
1. Call
niTuner_CalInitializeExternalCalibration to open
the calibration session.
2. Call
niTuner_CalSetAttenuation and set the following
• refLevel =
• mixLevel =
3. Call
niTuner_CalSetClockSource and set the clock source to
4. Wait 8 s for the NI PXI-5600 to lock to the external rubidium source.
5. Call
niTuner_CalGetLockState to determine whether the
NI PXI-5600 has locked to the external clock source. The lock state
must be
1 (or TRUE).
6. Call
niTuner_CalGetCurrentTemperature to read the
temperature of the NI PXI-5600. Wait for the temperature to
reach 30 °C.
Note If the temperature of the NI PXI-5600 exceeds 30 °C, abort the calibration session,
turn off the PXI chassis, and wait for the temperature to drop below 30 °C.
7. Set channel A on the power meter to read 15 MHz.
8. Set channel B on the power meter to read 100 MHz.
9. Set the amplitude of the signal generator to offset the loss of the power
splitter so that you obtain 0 dB input to the NI PXI-5600.
Note If the power splitter you are using does not have a 6 dB loss, set the amplitude of the
signal generator accordingly.
10. Wait 200 ms for channels A and B on the power meter to settle.
11. Loop 21 times. Include the following steps in each loop:
a. Call
niTuner_CalGetStepFrequency with the following
• startFrequency =
98 MHz (in terms of Hz)
• stopFrequency =
102 MHz (in terms of Hz)