
Lookout Operator’s Manual G-2 www.natinst.com
data member Data source or sink associated with a Lookout object. A readable data
member, or source, may be used in expressions or as inputs to other
objects. A writable data member, or sink, may have at most one
connection into it, created using the Object»Edit Connections dialog
box. A data member may be both readable and writable.
database Collection of data stored for later retrieval, display, or analysis.
dialing prefix Part of the Hayes AT command set for use with modems.
displayable objects A Lookout object class that has a displayable component, such as a Pot,
a Switch, or a Pushbutton.
edit mode Lookout mode in which you can alter and create objects within a process.
Switch in and out of edit mode by pressing <Ctrl-space> or by selecting
Edit»Edit Mode.
Ethernet A widely used, standardized local area networking technology, specified in
the IEEE 802.3 standard.
event Anything that happens can be an event. In Lookout, events include such
things as adjusting a control value, entering or exiting edit mode, opening
or closing a control panel, and logging in or logging out of the system.
expressions Lookout expressions are often paths to a data member. They can also
function like variables that, using a spreadsheet cell type formula, become
capable of performing flexible, real-time math operations, condition
testing, and other complex operations functions.