30 3. SETTING UP THE eClient
ialing Properties...]
...................................Click the button to set information of the sender.
[When dialing f
rom:] ..........Choose the sender’s location.
ew...]...............................Click this to add a new sender’s location.
“Create New Location” dialog box is displayed.
Enter a new sender’s location and click [OK].
emove] ............................Remove the current sender’s location.
[Local Settings are...]
[The local a
rea code is:], [The local country code is:]
...................................Enter the area code and the country code of the
sender’s location.
[Dial using:] ........................Choose your using dial from;
one] / [Pulse]
[Disable call w
aiting by dialing:]
...................................Click the check box and enter the number to disable
call waiting by dialing.
ialing Patterns...].............Click the button and use this group box to set your
modem’s dialing patterns.
Click [OK] when finished.
Click [OK] of the [Dialing Properties] when finished.
“Terminal Properties” is displayed.