Adjust skid shoes as follows:
1. Loosen, but do NOT remove, the three hex nuts
which fasten the skid shoe to the auger housing.
2. Raise or lower the skid shoe to desired position.
NOTE: Make certain the entire base of both skid shoes
are against the ground to avoid uneven wear on the
skid shoes. When one side does wear out, the skid
shoes are reversible.
3. Retighten the hex nuts loosened earlier.
4. Repeat this adjustment on the skid shoe found on
the opposite side of the snow thrower.
Engagement/Disengagement Adjustment
If the snow thrower’s auger and impeller:
a. Fail to engage when lowering the tractor’s lift
lever and placing it into the lowest notch
possible, or
b. Fail to disengage when raising the tractor’s
lift lever and placing it into the Blades Stop
notch, perform the following adjustment.
1. Place the tractor’s lift lever in the second
engagement notch (third notch down).
2. Locate the control rod found to the inside of the
engagement plate on the undercarriage assembly.
See Figure 20 .
3. Remove the hairpin clip and flat washer from the
ferrule found at the rear of the control rod. See
Figure 20 .
4. Remove the ferrule from the hole in the
engagement plate and slide the control rod as far
forward as it will go in the slot in the idler bracket.
See Figure 21 .
Do not attempt to force the control rod
beyond the end of the slot in the idler bracket. The idler
bracket is under tension from the spring which secures
it to the tractor’s frame rail.
5. While holding the control rod forwardmost end of
the slot, thread the ferrule inward or outward
(whichever is applicable) until it is realigned with
the hole.
6. Reinsert the ferrule into the hole and secure it to the
engagement plate by fastening with the flat washer
and hairpin clip removed in Step 3.
Figure 19
Figure 20
Figure 21
Skid Shoe
Hex Nuts
Control Rod
Idler Bracket
Engagement Plate
Control Rod
Engagement Plate