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• Do not exceed 300 feet of CAT-5/16-gauge, 2-conductor wire run from the Central Controller to
any Zone Keypad.
• Label all wiring runs. The Zone Keypads and the Door Station both use CAT-5 wiring, but they use
different signals and voltages. Label the CAT-5 wiring, 18-gauge speaker wire and 16-gauge, 2-
conductor power wire to prevent Zone Keypad wires from being connected to the Door Station
port, or the Zone power cable from being plugged into the Zone speaker port.
• Do not staple wires. Stapled wires can cause shorts. Also, if a wire has been cut too short at one end,
stapling makes it impossible to pull additional wire through the wall.
• Do not splice wires. Splices are unreliable and defeat the signal isolation properties of the wires.
• Keep all system wires away from objects such as heating and air conditioning ducts, metal
construction plates, and anything else with sharp edges that can damage the wires.
Figure 6—Central Controller Wiring. NOTE Color codes are depicted reading labels from
left to right on the connectors.
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