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Category 5 (CAT5): Four twisted pairs of copper wire enclosed in an outer jacket
used for telephone, fax, modem and high-speed digital computer transmissions.
Digital Jukebox Software: A program that provides the ability to copy CDs onto
the computer in MP3 format. This software can also be used to generate playlists.
DMM: The Digital Media Manager is an internal storage device that provides the
ability to play 4 simultaneous digital music streams.
Ethernet: A network protocol that uses hubs or switches as the central connection
• Ethernet: transfers data at up to 10 megabits (1.25 megabytes) per second
• Fast Ethernet: up to ten times faster
• Gigabit Ethernet—up to 100 times faster
IP Number/IP Address (Internet Protocol): A unique number consisting of 4
parts separated by dots. Every machine on the Internet has a unique IP number.
LAN (Local Area Network): A computer network limited to the immediate area,
usually the same building including a home.
Modem: A device that you connect to your computer and to a hone line that
allows the computer to talk to other computers through the phone system.
MP3: A standard format for compressing large sound files such as songs into a small
file while preserving the original level of sound quality. MP3 files can be generated
by using a digital jukebox software program such as Real Audio.
Network: A collection of connected devices that share information with each
other. Can include computers, printers and scanners and other household
RG6: Coaxial cable with an insulated center wire and four layers of shielding that is
used for cable television, digital satellite, cable modem and high-speed interactive
video services.