Welcome to the world of moogerfooger® Analog Effects Modules! Your
model MF-105M MIDI MuRF is a rugged, professional-quality instrument,
designed to be equally at home on stage or in the studio. Its great sound and
jaw-dropping effects come from state-of-the-art analog circuitry, designed and
built by the team at Moog Music in Asheville, North Carolina. The MF-105M is
full of the very same analog goodness that Bob Moog designed into the original
award-winning MF-105 MuRF and the MF-105B Bass MuRF.
Your MIDI MuRF is a direct descendent of the original Moog® modular
synthesizers and professional rack effects. It contains two basic functions: an
8-band array of resonant lters that can be voiced for bass or mid frequency
response, and a pre-programmed "Animation" module that generates sequences
of envelopes that modulate the levels of the 8 lters. Several of the performance
parameters are voltage-controllable, which means that you can use expression
pedals, MIDI-to-CV converter, or any other source of control voltages, such
as other moogerfoogers, to play your MIDI MuRF. In addition, the front panel
rotary controls and switches can be controlled through the use of MIDI. The
patterns of the Animation module can be synced to a MIDI Clock, and the MIDI
input allows for users to customize the internal patterns. A software application
that is both MIDI Controller and Pattern Editor is available at Moog Music’s
website: www.moogmusic.com.
While you can use it on the oor as a conventional effects box, your MIDI
MuRF is much more versatile and its sound quality is higher than the single
xed-function "stomp boxes" that you may be accustomed to. You will nd that
your MIDI MuRF is a deep electronic musical resource and will become your
creative companion as you explore its possibilities.
The following pages will rst tell you how to hook up your MuRF and set
the panel controls for the ‘basic’ setup. Next, we’ll explain how the functions of
your MIDI MuRF work. After that we’ll go through the panel features and give
you suggestions on how to use your MIDI MuRF in specic applications. At
the end of this booklet you’ll nd technical specications, service and warranty
information, information about Moog Music and diagrams of the MIDI MuRF’s
Animation patterns.