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7.4 Sample Program
7.3.5 Precautions for the internal device interface function
This sample program is used to read/write data from/to the internal device of GT SoftGOT1000 that is run-
Example) Sample program for Visual C++
Setting item Description
GB Device GB device monitor area
Device No. Input a device range (GB0 to GB65535).
Write Value
Turns ON the device specified for Device No.
Turns OFF the device specified for Device No.
Read Value
Displays the reading result of the specified device.
The value is updated only while monitoring is performed.
Bit device status
"1" : ON
"0" : OFF
GD Device GD device monitor area
Device No. Input a device range (GD0 to GD65535).
Write Value
Write value input area
Set a value to be written to the device specified for Device No.
Input format: Signed decimal number (-32768 to 32767)
Writes the value input for the write value input area to the specified device.
Read Value
Displays the reading result of the specified device. (Updates only while
monitoring is performed.)
Display format: Signed decimal number (-32768 to 32767)
The value of the internal device specified for Device No. is read.
GS Device GS device monitor area
Device No. A device range (GS0 to GS2047) can be input.
Write Value
Write value input area
Set a value to be written to the device specified for Device No.
Input format: Signed decimal number (-32768 to 32767)
Writes the value input for the write value input area to the specified device.
Read Value
Displays the reading result of the specified device. (Updates only while
monitoring is performed.)
Display format: Signed decimal number (-32768 to 32767)
The value of the internal device specified for Device No. is read.
Write value input area (GD)
Write value input area (GS)
Monitor execution status