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[Intelligent function module utility]
Item Description
Project save path
Choose the save destination of the GPPW project to which automatic refresh setting will be
GPPW project Choose the GPPW project to which automatic refresh setting will be made.
Start I/O No. Set the first I/O No. (I/O address) of the QD75.
Package name Choose the positioning module.
Module model name Choose the model of the QD75.
Intelligent function module
parameter setting module
Shows the module to which the initial setting or automatic refresh setting has been made in
the intelligent function module utility.
"Auto refresh" button Click this button to show the automatic refresh setting dialog box.
"Delete" button
Click this button to make deletion from the intelligent function module parameter setting
PLC side device
Set the CPU side devices to be automatically refreshed for the QD75 items.
Data is automatically refreshed between the set devices and QD75 buffer memory.
"Make text file" button
Used to save the automatic refresh settings as text data.
Clicking this button shows the text file creation dialog box, where you set the save
destination drive/path and file name.
"End setup" button Click this button to register the automatic refresh setting and close the dialog box.
• The CPU side devices set for automatic refresh store the QD75 data. Do not store
other values using a sequence program (e.g. FROM and MOV instructions).