Chapter 11 Troubleshooting
No Abbrev. Name RS A/C No Abbrev. Name RS A/C
90 WST Low-speed serial initial communication error PR V4 E0 WOR Over-regeneration warning * SVJ
91 WAS Low-speed serial communication error * V4 E1 WOL Overload warning * A
92 WAF Low-speed serial protocol error * V4 E2
93 WAM Absolute position fluctuation PR A E3 WAC Absolute position counter warning * V4
94 E4 WPE Parameter error warning * A
95 E5
96 MPE MP scale feedback error * V4 E6 AXE Control axis removal warning * A
97 MPO MP scale offset fluctuation PR V4 E7 NCE CNC emergency stop * C
98 E8 O Over-regeneration warning * V/R
99 E9 P Instantaneous stop warning * V
9A EA Q External emergency stop input * V
9B WMS HR unit pole shift warning * A EB R
9C WMG HR unit pole warning * A EC S
9D Wmg HR unit pole warning (SUB) * A ED T
9E Wan High serial multi-rotation counter error * V4 EE U
9F WAB Battery voltage drop * V4 EF V
A0 00
A1 01 FLASH, programming error
A2 02 FLASH, erase error
A3 03 Vpp error
A4 04 Check sum error
A5 05 Compare error
A6 06
A7 07
Turret indexing command error
* SP 08 Bank designation error
A9 09 Initial address error
CNC initial communication No. 1 phase wait
0A Bank changeover error
AB CNC initial communication No. 1 phase wait 0B Address error
AC CNC initial communication No. 2 phase wait 0C Reception timeout
CNC initial communication No. 3 phase wait
AE CNC initial communication No. 4 phase wait 0E
AF Spare 0F
Command sequence error
Bn During READY OFF (n is the control axis No.) Dn During servo ON (n is the control axis No.)
Cn During servo OFF (n is the control axis No.) Fn Control axis No. display (n is the control axis No.)
Note 1)
RS: PR: Reset by turning CNC power OFF, AR: Reset by turning servo driver power OFF,
*: This is a warning display, and the servo does not turn OFF.
Note 2)
A/C: A: Alarm that occurs for each axis, C: Common alarm in driver, SP: Spindle alarm, SVJ:MDS-A-SVJ alarm,
AV: MDS-A-Vx alarm, BV: MDS-B-Vx alarm, V4: MDS-B-Vx4 alarm, V: Power supply regeneration power supply
alarm, R: Regenerative resistance power supply alarm