4. Test and checking failure
To avoid systematic faults, a test even for faulty demands of the safety function has to be performed in order to check
the correct function of the monitor signal. This test shall be carried out at system installation, any software changes,
parameterization changes, and/or at least once per year.
I/O status and failure
FR-D700 safety related I/O status obeys the following truth table.
Table.5 Truth table of Safety related signals
Input power S1-SC S2-SC Failure SO-SC RUN-SE or A-C Drive state
OFF - - - OFF(Open) OFF(Open) Drive shutoff (Safe state)
No failure OFF(Open) ON(Close) Drive enable
Short Short
Detected OFF(Open) OFF(Open) Drive shutoff (Safe state)
No failure ON(Close) ON(Close) Drive shutoff (Safe state)
Open Open
Detected OFF(Open) OFF(Open) Drive shutoff (Safe state)
Short Open Detected OFF(Open) OFF(Open) Drive shutoff (Safe state)
Open Short Detected OFF(Open) OFF(Open) Drive shutoff (Safe state)
In case of diagnostic or functionality test, check the I/O state whether it is same or not as Table.5.
If the failure detected, FR-D700 output alarm signal and indicate ‘E.SAF’ at the display.
In case of FR-D700 output the alarm, please take following action.
(1) Check the S1-SC and S2-SC input signal logic is the same. If these are different logic, collect the input
signal and reset the FR-D700.
(2) Disconnect the wire from S1, S2, SC terminal, then reset or power-off and on, If the ‘SA’ letter is
flashed up at display, there is failure in system except FR-D700. But, still ‘E.SAF’ is displayed and
alarm output, there is malfunction on FR-D700.
Self diagnostic test
FR-D700 does the self-diagnostic test on the power-ON.
If FR-D700 output alarm at power-ON, please take the action described in ‘Diagnostic’ at above.
Test procedure for functionality
As depicted ‘ATTENTION’ in above, the test for the functionality is important.
Please do the test following procedure.
(1) Please make each state of S1-SC and S2-SC depicted at Table.5.
(2) If there is any different state from Table.5, FR-D700 has some malfunction.
(3) If there is no different state from Table.5, check the systematic performance, such as, press the
Emergency switch, press the start/restart button at the failure detected (RUN-SE opened), and so on.
(4) Finally clear the error record of the FR-D700 (see the user manual how to clear the error record).