Distribution of Fax Documents
Scanner Mode 11-1
11 Distribution of Fax Documents
11.1 Specifying the Setting
The following information must be registered and settings must be
specified in order to distribute documents received as faxes.
F codes
F codes are mailbox functions, such as “SUB” (sub-addresses) and
“PWD” (passwords), regulated by the G3 standards of the ITU-T
(International Telecommunication Union). F codes are specified using the
keypad keys (0 through 9, * and #) depending on use, as described below.
Parameter Page Reference
To manage
• F-Code
• RX Doc. Settings
• Forwarding
Refer to “Specifying the procedure for received
documents (“Doc. Manage.” function)” on
page 13-33.
To register the e-
mail address of a
destination in a one-
touch key
Refer to “Registering a Recipient” on page 4-9.
SUB: Specify when transmitting using F codes.
SID/PWD: Specify when limiting the recipient/caller with a