Image acquisition screen
PS7000 Twain Driver
Chapter 3
6. Scan Mode: Select [Spread] (scanning both pages), [Single] (scanning
either right or left page only), or [Book Split] (scanning right
and left pages separately).
Refer to “7. Page key” on page 2-8 for details.
7. Output: Selects the mode (Text or Photo).
Add a grayscale memory (option).
Selection is available from among 4 choices: Binary (Text),
Binary (Photo), Grayscale (Text) and Grayscale (Photo).
8. Brightness: Select [Auto] or [Manual].
Brightness is adjusted manually when [Manual] is selected.
Brightness is adjusted automatically according to the
original when [Auto] is selected, however, further fine
adjustment is also available.
Refer to “Adjusting exposure for scanning” on page 5-36 for
9. Scan buttons: These are the same as the start buttons on the Scanner.
Click the [Spread Scan] button to read both pages of the
book on the table. This button is effective when Scan Mode
is set to [Spread] or [Book Split].
Click the [Right Scan] or [Left Scan] to read only right or
left page of the book on the table. This button is effective
only when Scan Mode is set to [Single].
10. Book / Sheet: Set the type (shape) of the original.
When [Sheet] is selected, the height of the original can be
Refer to “Book/Sheet modes” on page 5-10 for details.
11. Frame Masking: Objects outside the original are erased to prevent a
shadowed (black) frame being created in the image, i.e.
when the paper selection is larger than the original.
Refer to “Frame Masking (Masking)” on page 5-32 for
12. Finger Masking: The image of the fingers holding the original is removed
from the scanned image. This function is effective when
[Frame Masking] is selected.
Refer to “Finger Masking (Fing Mask)” on page 5-33 for
13. Centering: Any shift away from the center of the original is corrected
and the scanned image is placed in the center of the screen.
This function is effective when [Frame Masking] is selected.
Refer to “Centering (Centerin)” on page 5-35 for details.