13-6 Network Fax
Appendix Chapter 13
13.3 Internet Fax Terminology
Terms used in general for the Internet Fax transmission are described below.
Alphabet Terms Description
D DSN (Delivery Sta-
tus Notifications)
A message to notify the transmitting side of the delivery
status when a mail arrives at the mail server on the receiv-
ing side.
I Internet Fax A type of transmission that the original read through the in-
tranet (in-house network) or internet is transmitted or re-
ceived as a document attached to an E-mail (TIFF format)
between the Internet Faxes or computers.
M MDN (Message Dis-
position Notifica-
A message to confirm disposition which is sent upon re-
quest from the transmission side.
P POP3 (Post Office
Protocol - Version 3)
One of transmission protocols (transmission rules) used
generally for E-mail transmission. Mail box authentication,
check of mail download or list information, mail deletion
and other functions are provided.
S SMTP (Simple Mail
Transfer Protocol)
One of transmission protocols (transmission rules) used
generally for E-mail transmission.