Explanation of Reports and Lists
Network Fax 11-9
Explanation of Reports and Lists Chapter 11
Time: Fixed in "-:-:-".
Prints: The number of pages transmitted is shown. In the case of memory
transmission, the number of pages able to be transmitted and the total
number of pages are shown in the form of a fraction.
Result: OK Shown when communication ended normally.
S-OK Shown when communication was stopped.
PW-OFF Shown when the power switch is turned off.
TEL Shown when there has been an incoming tele-
phone call.
NG Shown when a communication error has oc-
Cont Shown when an error has occurred and the FK-
502 has switched to error page redialing.
No Ans Shown when the destination being called did
not answer.
Busy Shown when unable to complete communica-
tion due to the line being busy.
MDN Marked when an MDN response is erroneous.
DSN Marked when a DSN response is erroneous.
Note: Any of the following remarks may be shown.
ORG: Original size set
FME: Frame Erase
MIX: Mixed size original
BND: Bind Position
SP: Special Original
IPADR: IP Address Fax
I-Fax: Internet Fax