
7.5 Troubleshooting Checklists
Operation and Troubleshooting
Chapter 7
The password assigned to the NIC through PCONSOLE
matches the password assigned through MAP Program. Use
MAP to update the password stored in the network Print
Server’s memory.
The print job is in the print queue and waiting to be printed. Use
PCONSOLE to check if the print jobs are being sent to the
printer. Workstation to NIC Connection Checklist
To make sure the workstation is communicating with the NIC, check
the following:
Print a file from the workstation and make sure the print job
gets to the print queue using PCONSOLE. If the print job does
get to the queue, the problem is not with the workstation/print
server connection.
Use CAPTURE to send data to the printer from a workstation
software application. See your NetWare print server manual for
Make sure another printer is not taking the print jobs from the
queues BEFORE the NIC can service the job. To do this, dis-
able the other printer until you can verify the NIC-connected
printer setup. NIC Loses Its File Server Connection
If the NIC loses its connection to the file server, it can take
approximately 5 to 10 minutes to reconnect. If the connection is not
made after a reasonable amount of time, check the error conditions
to troubleshoot the problem. Unable to Print from a Different Context
The NIC does not support printing from a context different from the
context you are installed upon. If you want to do this, you must
create an alias queue. See your NetWare Manual for more
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