Repacking the Printer145
Repacking the Printer
Failure to follow these instructions could result in voiding your
If you need to relocate or ship your printer after it’s been installed, follow the
procedures in this chapter to prevent damage to the printer and to keep your
warranty valid.
suggest that you save the packaging materials in case
you ever need to move or ship the printer. If you’re returning just the
printer for service, do not return the interface cables, power cable,
documentation, media tray(s), or accessories.
MINOLTA-QMS cannot be held responsible for damage to your printer
during shipment that results from the improper packaging of your
printer. You must use the instructions given in this section before
repacking the printer in its original shipping carton with the original
packing materials. Original shipping cartons are secured to a pallet
using disposable strapping and buckling supplies. These supplies must
be replaced prior to shipping the printer. If you need replacement
packaging, in the United States, call MINOLTA-QMS Spares at
(251) 633-4300 extension 2530 and request catalog number
2600674-901. For locations outside the United States, refer to the
Service & Support Guide
or www.minolta-qms.com. If you return the
printer for service, be sure to write the RMA (Return Merchandise
Authorization) number you received from your customer support
representative on the outside of the carton before shipping the printer.
If the printer is not strapped to the pallet or if the RMA number is not
visible on the outside of the return inventory, we will not
accept receipt. You can also have a MINOLTA-QMS authorized service
provider uninstall and repack your printer. For prices and availability,
call 1 (877) 778-2657.
What's Involved?
Repacking your printer for shipment involves the following steps. Each is
described in more detail in the following sections.
Remove the cables.
Remove the fuser oil roller.
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