x Normal where the port is not mapped to a specific VLAN but can become a
member through Dynamic VLAN registration. Dynamic VLANs are set when
GVRP sets them. Unless GVRP is running, there is no registration of dynamic
x Fixed registration maps a port to a specific or fixed VLAN. The network
administrator can "fix" a VLAN to a specific port with this option. The port can also
be set to another VLAN by dynamic VLAN registration.
ports cannot participate in the designated VLAN. They cannot be fixed
members or members of dynamic VLANs. When set to forbidden, the port cannot
communicate with any ports on this VLAN.
Once configured there are 3 possible states of the ports that show in the
management menus.
shows a static registration of the port and GVRP is not running
D: the port has been registered to the specific VLAN by GVRP
C: the port has been registered to the specific VLAN by GVRP and it was also
set to that VLAN by a network administrator
Note: A blank indicates that the port is not a member of the VLAN.
On the web browser the ports can be set as Normal, Fixed or Forbidden. The
mapping of the 3 different configuration options on the console versus the web
browser are shown below.
Console configuration Web configuration
Normal Normal
Fixed F Fixed
Forbidden B Forbidden