The skids provided with the building
under kit * are intended to prevent dam-
age to floor coverings when ma-
noeuvring the washing machine into po-
Washer-Dryer stack
A Miele tumble dryer can be stacked
with the washing machine. A stacking
kit* is necessary and can be pur-
chased from the Miele Spare Parts De-
All parts marked * are available from
the Miele Spare Parts or Sales Depart-
Fitting or changing the decor
Note: The door should be shut for fit-
ting or changing the decor panel.
Remove the 4 screws from the decor
strip on the door catch side of the
door and remove the decor strip.
Unscrew the remaining 7 screws
from lower and side decor strips until
the decor panel bows slightly and
can then be taken out or put in place.
Re-assemble in the reverse order
and tighten the screws.