Avoid the following on all types of front:
cleaning agents containing soda, acids or
abrasive cleaning agents, e.g. powder cleaners
and cream cleaners.
abrasive sponges, e.g. pot scourers, or sponges
which have been previously used with abrasive
cleaning agents.
To prevent the risk of scratches and damage to
the surface structure of stainless steel and
aluminium fronted machines pay particular
attention to the following cleaning instructions.
Stainless steel fronted machines
The machine front and controls are susceptible to
scratches and abrasion.
Please observe the different cleaning instructions for
- stainless steel surfaces and
- stainless steel coloured controls
Stainless steel surfaces
Stainless steel surfaces can be cleaned using a
proprietary non-abrasive cleaning agent designed
specifically for use on stainless steel, or with the
Miele E-Cloth.
When descaling the machine wipe up any spillages
of descaling agent immediately!
To help prevent re-soiling, a proprietary
conditioning agent for stainless steel can
also be used. Apply sparingly with an
even pressure in the direction of the "grain".
Cleaning and care