UNO-3074 User Manual 54
Appendix A
System Settings and Pin
A.1 System I/O Address and Interrupt Assignments
Table A.1:
UNO-3074 System I/O Port
Address Range Device
000-01F DMA controller (slave)
020-03F Interrupt controller 1 (master)
040-05F 8254 timer/counter
060-06F 8042 (keyboard controller)
070-07F Real-time clock, non-maskable interrupt (NMI)
080-09F DMA page register
0A0-0BF Interrupt controller 2 (slave)
0C0-0DF DMA controller (master)
0F0 Clear math co-processor
0F1 Reset math co-processor
0F8-0FF Math co-processor
1D0 Vector address; for COM port share IRQ
1E0 Reserved
11E Reserved
1F0-1F8 1st fixed disk
200-218 DI/O and counter
278-27F Reserved
2E8-2EF Serial port 4
2F8-2FF Serial port 2
300-31F Ethernet
360-36F LPT2
378-37F Parallel printer port 1 (LPT1)
380-38F SDLC, bisynchronous 2
3A0-3AF Bisynchronous 1
3B0-3BF Monochrome display
3C0-3CF Reserved