
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
Setupclient /Q /A /targetdir “\\share\mscrm_client_admin”
Repairs the installation.
Quiet mode installation. This parameter requires a configuration file in XML format. The
config= parameter contains the name of the XML configuration file. No dialog boxes or error
messages will appear on the display screen. To capture error message information, include
the log file parameter (/L).
/L [drive:][[path] logfilename.log]]
Creates a log file of installation activity. You must specify the file name of the log file and
where to put it.
Uninstalls Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook.
Step 2: Configure Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook
by Using an XML Configuration File
After you install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook, you must configure it. You can do this by
running the client configuration wizard at the command line. The client configuration wizard file is
named Microsoft.Crm.Client.Config.exe and is located in the Client\ConfigWizard folder where
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook is installed. By default, the folder is c:\Program
Files\Microsoft CRM.
Command-Line Examples
To configure Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with Offline Access by using an XML
configuration file that is named install_client.xml in quiet mode:
Microsoft.Crm.Client.Config /Q /config c:\install_client.xml /l
The /config [drive:] [[path] configfilename.xml]] command-line parameter provides Microsoft
Dynamics CRM for Outlook Setup with required information. It is the same information that each
installation screen requires. The XML elements must be in English (US); special or extended
characters cannot be used. An XML configuration file that has localized XML elements will not
work correctly. An explanation of each XML element and a sample XML file follows:
<CRMConfiguration> </CRMConfiguration>
The configuration file must be a valid XML file that uses <CRMConfiguration> as the root
<Client> </Client>
Specifies a Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook installation. All the Microsoft Dynamics
CRM for Outlook entries that follow must be within the Client tags.
<ServerUrl Type="OnPremise\SPLA" ShowUser="true\false">http://website</ServerUrl>
Specifies the URL for the Web site associated with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server