
5.2 [quit] command
Type quit / exit / close will logout SP5100 IP Phone and Telnet Program.
5.3 [reboot] command
After typing commit command, type reboot to restart the SP5100 IP Phone.
Sometimes after user type reboot, on terminal screen will display:
"Data modified, commit to flash rom?"
which means IP Phone will record call history or not.(ex. REDIAL , outgoing and
incoming call data)
5.4 [flash] command
This command will clean the configuration stored in the flash rom to default value and
reboot the SP5100 IP Phone.
Note: After user upgrade new software version, suggested to execute this command to
make sure new software work well on SP5100 IP Phone.
To e d
on f
xecute the command flash -clean, all configuration of SP5100 IP Phone store
lash rom will be cleaned. It is authorized for the user whose login name is
t” only.