
I. Backing up your RMS Database and Panel Files
1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\meyer\rms
Example rms Folder as Shown in Windows Explorer
2. Copy these items to a medium that can store files larger than 1 MB, such as a CD-R or Zip disk:
RMSNET folder
All .pnl files
(As an added precaution, you may also wish to copy these files to another location on your C: drive.)
Note: DO NOT place your .pnl files inside your RMSNET folder.
If your .pnl files are not in your RMS folder, you can search for them:
1. Click Start and choose Search > Files and Folders.
Search for Files and Folders Window
2. Click in the field labeled Search for files and folders named: and type *.pnl + <Enter>.