Troubleshooting Guide (continued)
Symptoms Possible Causes Solution
Power-up OK and
scans OK ,but
does not
properly to the host
Com port at the host is not
working or configured
Check to make sure that the baud
rate and parity of the scanner and
the communication port match and
the program is looking for “RS-232”
Power-up OK and
scans OK ,but
does not
properly to the host
Cable not connected to the
proper com port
Check to make sure that the baud
rate and parity of the scanner and
the communication port match and
the program is looking for “RS-232”
Power-up OK and
scans OK ,but
does not
properly to the host
Cable not connected to the
proper com port
Check to make sure that the baud
rate and parity of the scanner and
the communication port match and
the program is looking for “RS-232”
The host is
receiving data but
the data does not
look correct
The scanner and host may
not be configured for the
same interface parameters
Check that the scanner and the host
are configured for the same
interface parameters
Characters are
being dropped
Inter-character delay
needs to be added to the
transmitted output
Add some inter-character delay to
the transmitted output by using the
MetroSelect Programming Guide
MLPN 2407