Boat Design Categories Navigation Wind Force and Wave Height
C Inshore
Designed for voyages in coastal
waters, large bays, estuaries, lakes
and rivers where conditions may
experience wind force 6 (Beaufort
scale) and wave heights up to
2 m (6.5 ft.).
D Sheltered waters
Designed for voyages on sheltered
coastal waters, small bays, small
lakes, rivers, and canals where
conditions may experience wind
force 4 (Beaufort scale) and wave
heights up to 0.5 m (1.5 ft.).
ISO 6185 part ‑ The ISO 6185 part standard defines the power
rating for the boat. The following table shows these power ratings.
ISO 6185 Part Categories Powered Boat Rating
Part 1: Type ll Powered boats not exceeding 4.5 kw (6 hp)
Part 2: Type V Powered boats of 4.5 to 15 kw (6 to 20 hp)
Part 3: Type VII Powered boats of 15 kw and greater (20 hp +)