2. Transmitter 2. Fully extend the antenna.
antenna is not fully
3. Windy or bad 3. Stop fl ying at once and
weather. try again on another day.
Chopper is not fl ying high enough. 1. Charger Battery 1. Replace with new
life is nearly batteries.
2. Battery pack is 2. Recharge the HeliChopper.
not fully charged.
Helicopter can not rotate left or 1. HeliChopper needs 1. Pause and let the helicopter
right. time to steady and steady itself and then try
balance itself. again. If it does not steady,
the wind may be too strong
to fl y.
2. Battery is losing 2. Land immediately and
power. recharge the battery.
HeliChopper crashed to the 1. You may have 1. Try again and release the
ground while landing. released the trigger more slowly to
throttle/trigger too allow the helicopter to
quickly or too far. slow and spiral
down for a landing.
HeliChopper Manual.indd 9 10/14/2003, 12:50:39 PM