Looking a
t or near the
Sun will cause irreversable dama
ge to your eye.
Do not point
this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.
A wide assortment of professional Meade accessories is available for the LightBridge
telescope models.
The premium quality of these accessories is well-suited to the
quality of the instrument itself.
Consult the Meade Gener
al Catalog or
.com for complete details on these and other accessories.
Meade Series 4000™ Eyepieces:
You want to select an eyepiece that not only
gives you the magnification that you want, but also give you the eye relief you need.
Other qualities to look for with eyepieces are the apparent field size, which is how
large an object looks in an eyepiece, and coatings, which increase contrast in an
image. Meade’s series series 5000 eyepieces incorporate all the features that you’d
want in a set of high quality eyepieces. It is recommended that observers have two
or three low and high power eyepiece on hand such as a 9mm ,12mm, and 40mm, in
addition to the supplied 26mm.
And remove the 1.25 eyepiece holder and your
LightBridge is ready to use 2" diameter eyepieces.
Series 5000™ TeleXtenders: An advanced 4-element design doubles, triples or
quadruples magnification while flattening the field of view, and the fully coated
lenses deliver the maximum light transmission, the highest contrast and an image
free of color fringing. Maintains a comfortable eye relief of longer focal length
eyepieces, while increasing magnification.
Series 4000™ 8 - 24mm Zoom Eyepiece: The internal zoom optics of this eye-
piece move on smooth, precisely machined surfaces which maintain optical collima-
tion at all zoom settings. A scale graduated in 1mm units indicates the zoom focal
length in operation. An excellent addition to any eyepiece set.
Series 4000™ Photo-Visual Color Filters: Color filters significantly enhance visu-
al and photographic image contrast of the Moon and planets. Each filter threads into
the barrel of any Meade 1.25" eyepiece, and into the barrels of virtually all other eye-
piece brands as well. Meade filters are available in 12 colors for lunar and planetary
applications, and in Neutral Density as a lunar glare-reduction filter.
Series 4000™ Nebular Filters: A modern boon to the city-dwelling deep-space
observer, the interference nebular filter effectively cancels out the effects of most
urban light pollution, while leaving the light of deep-space nebular emissions
virtually unattenuated. Meade
Series 4000 Nebular Filters utilize the very latest in
coating technology.
Meade Laser Collimator: The Meade Laser Collimator is an easy to use collima-
tion device. Poor collimation can cause planetary detail to be fuzzy and star images
to appear elongated or irregular. The Laser Collimator uses a red laser to accurate-
ly align the mirrors in your LightBridge Truss Tube Dobsonian telescope. Once
accurately aligned, stars will appear as sharp pinpoints, planets will reveal
spectacular detail, and double stars can be easily split. Simply insert the laser
collimator into the eyepiece holder of the telescope, and make small adjustments to
the secondary and primary mirror to center the red dot of the laser. Once centered
elescope is in collimation and ready to use.
Shroud: The shroud seals off the LightBridge telescope from all stray light. Attaches
easily with velcro strips.
More accessories will soon be available for your LightBridge
Truss Tube Dobsonian
telescope. To find out more about these and other accessories available for your
telescope, check out the Meade General Catalog, meade.com or contact your local
Meade dealer. Also check out Meade’s latest ads in Sky and Telescope and Astrono-
my magazine.
Fig. 12: Series 5000 5 Element Plossl
Fig. 13: Series 5000 Super Wide
Angle Eyepieces.
Fig. 14: Series 5000 Ultra Wide
Angle Eyepieces.
Fig. 15: Series 5000 TELEXTEN-