
Diagnostic information about the switch is available through the switch
module LEDs and the external port LEDs. Diagnostic information is also
available through the McDATA Embedded Web Server and CLI event logs
and error displays.
The switch performs a series of tests as part of its power-up procedure. The
POST diagnostic program performs the following tests:
Checksum tests on the boot firmware in PROM and the switch firmware
in flash memory
Internal data loopback test on all ports
Access and integrity test on the ASIC
During the POST, the switch logs any errors encountered. Some POST errors
are critical, others are not. The switch uses the System Fault LED and the
Logged-In LED to indicate switch and port status. A critical error disables the
switch so that it will not operate. A non-critical error allows the switch to
operate, but disables the ports that have errors.
Input Power LED Is Extinguished
The Input Power LED illuminates to indicate that the switch logic circuitry is
receiving proper voltages. If the Input Power LED is extinguished, contact
your authorized maintenance provider.
System Fault LED is Illuminated
The System Fault LED illuminates to indicate that the switch module logic
circuitry is overheating or that a POST error has occurred. If the System Fault
LED illuminates, contact your authorized maintenance provider.