
Task 17: Configure Management Server (Optional)
Installation Tasks
Figure 2-60 Configure FICON Management Server Dialog Box
2. Enable or disable the following options by selecting (clicking) the
associated check box:
Switch Clock Alert Mode - this option enables or disables a
warning message that appears if the switch is set to
periodically synchronize date and time with the management
server (Task 18: Set Switch Date and Time on page 2-74).
Synchronizing date and time with the management server
may conflict with the date and time set from the attached host.
If a check mark displays, clock alert mode is enabled.
Programmed offline state control - this option enables or
disables host (S/390 or zSeries 900) ability to set the switch
offline state. If a check mark displays, control is enabled.
Host Control Prohibited - this option allows or prohibits host
(S/390 or zSeries 900) control of the switch. If a check mark
displays, host control is prohibited.
Active = Saved - when this option is enabled, the active
configuration of logical port addresses is used when the IPL
configuration file is updated. If a check mark displays, the
Active = Saved option is enabled.
3. Select the appropriate country code page from the following Code
Page list box.
Code Page Name Code Page
United States/Canada 00037
Germany/Austria 00273
Brazil 00275
Italy 00280